Antenna testing
Since ultra compact and interference-free electric-field probes allow vector measurement, KAPTEOS solution meets the needs of power density measurement and, more broadly, of antenna testing.
KAPTEOS has conducted many studies and manufactured numerous systems on behalf of its clients: characterization of ultra wide band pulse sources for the defense sector, measurement and mapping of the power density emitted by antennas for the telecommunications sector, characterization of the radiation pattern of unitary antennas or antenna arrays.
They use KAPTEOS technology for their R&D
List of publications
"Minimally invasive optical sensors for microwave-electric-field exposure measurements"
Journal of Optical Microsystems
FEMTO-ST Institute, Besançon (FR)
"20 GHz antenna radiation pattern obtained from near field mapping with electro-optic probe on a single plane"
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
IMEP-LAHC, Le Bourget-du-Lac (FR)