KAPTEOS products and services
KAPTEOS offers a range of products and services that are tailored to the customer needs and constraints through their intrinsic performances. With fifteen years of development and continuous innovation, this range, available for sale and rental, is made up of 6 modular and interconnectable devices to meet your needs.
Electric field probes
The electric field probes eoProbe (RX optical antennas) allow a complete analysis (modulus and phase) of a single component of the electric field on almost the whole radio-frequency spectrum, whether the field being a singleshot signal or repetitive signals. Moreover, this applies regardless of any environmental configuration or measurement constraint like near field, vacuum, high pressure, biological media, ionizing environment or strong magnetic field.
Theses probes are compact, fully dielectric and contains only ultra low loss materials (quartz, alumina, sapphire). They provide a localized and highly accurate measurement of the electric field without any interference induced by the measurement.
This product is available in two lines for media with low or high permittivity.
Optoelectronic converters
The optoelectronic converters eoSense embed one ultra low noise laser source and convert the optical information generated by the probes eoProbe into analog electrical signals that can be used directly by usual digitizers (oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers or vector networks analyzers). They operate regardless the electric field strength, and they are protected against electromagnetic interference. They ensure KAPTEOS technology integration in any measurement chain.
Embedding the control of the field source and the digitizer, optoelectronic converters eoSense allow the monitoring of a comprehensive test bench in the frequency domain. They can also monitor optical multiplexers in order to sequentially address a large number of probes.
This product is available in different lines to cover all fields of application from 10 Hz to 100 GHz.
Electric field applicators
The electric field applicators eoCal allow to calibrate the electric field probes eoProbe in air up to 6 GHz. They have been specially developed for the probes eoProbe and ensure a perfect positioning of the probe in the center of the cell for an accurate calibration. They can be used also for EMC pre-compliance tests of electronic components or small PCB.
Universal holders for probes
The articulated holders eoPod allow an easy positioning of one to three probes eoProbe (2 transverse and 1 longitudinal) in the measurement area, in almost any environmental condition (vacuum, phantom for SAR assessment, high voltage). These fully dielectric and handy holders have a built-in level and ensure reliable measurements.
They can be immersed, exposed to high magnetic field up to 4.7 T and they can be also directly in contact with high voltage elements up to 25kVrms.
Optical multiplexer
The optical multiplexers eoSwitch allow a sequential addressing of up to 16 probes from a single optoelectronic converter. Without galvanic link, battery powered and shielded, they can be used in the field close to the measurements. They are fully driven by the optoelectronic converters eoSense through an optical link.
A custom-made support
KAPTEOS is also a custom-made service and a global expertise to ensure the integration of its technology within your existing measuring system or the realization of a comprehensive turnkey solution. KAPTEOS means also available and trained people to work with you on the development of measurement solutions both unique, comprehensive and tailored to your configurations.
Create and co-create is our DNA.
KAPTEOS has achieved the following developments:
Anthropomorphic phantom for SAR assessment in operational environment (defense sector)
Human exposure to electromagnetic waves is a concern both normative and societal that can only be unambiguously resolved by a measurement. The current example refers to a phantom embedding 16 tri-axis electric field probes for measuring the soldier exposure in an operational environment on the 1 – 500 MHz frequency range. This development has been carried out on behalf of DGA (French Defense Procurement Agency).
Electric field measurement in railway environment
For both regulatory needs and monitoring of railway infrastructure parameters, 3D electromagnetic simulations and measurements carried out on line-powered scaled models allow the development of innovative surveillance assets of quantities of interest. This scaled model has allowed to study various influencing parameters (presence of a train on the track, attendance of maintenance personnel in different weather conditions such as fog).
Field mapping in a liquid phantom at 60 GHz
A calibration bench for measuring the dielectric properties (complex permittivity) of a liquid phantom at 60 GHz has been developed together with a SAR mapping device based on the measurement of the three components of the electric field vector inside the phantom. This calibration bench allows electric 3D field mapping with a strongly sub-wavelength spatial resolution.